The talking Car Park.
In parking garages, many drivers start to sweat: they don’t know where to go, it’s narrow, dark – and scratch! They’ve already scraped their car against a pillar. Could it help if the parking garage spoke to the drivers? The insurance company DEVK decided to try it out.
The Creative Development team developed intelligent sensors that can directly address drivers in the parking garage. Innovative control elements allow interaction through voice and light features. Pre-recorded comments are played back to approaching cars based on the situation: when the distance to walls or pillars becomes too small, it might say, “Ahem. Do we really want to get this close?” or, “Caution. Please pay close attention to your surroundings,” or, “Sometimes a step back is also a step forward.”
Together with DEVK we turned these scenarios into a film that highlights a solution – after all, not every parking garage can talk. With DEVK’s Smart Repair service, minor parking damages can be quickly repaired. “No other insurance company takes their customers’ problems as seriously or solves them as swiftly as DEVK.