Nothing makes you more awake than a good night’s sleep.

Client: IKEA  |  Agency: Grabarz & Partner
Role: Concept & Art Direction  |  Illustration: Sabine Israel

Sleep well ...

We have all been there: one night on a bad mattress and you can forget a good night’s sleep. And without sleep the next day is hard to survive. 
People who don’t sleep well at night, usually try to compensate for the sleep deficit with a lot of coffee during the next day. A better choice is a suitable highend spring mattress from IKEA to affordable prices.

To communicate this we arranged the coffee rings so that they look like the core of a spring mattress. This way the problem shows the solution.


To convince young urban adults that nothing makes you more awake than a good night sleep, we brought the ad to places where they go out at night. Ensuring that they would pass our ad on their way home looking forward to a good night sleep.
